Speak Your Mind 107 #531-535


1. Why do you think people are mean to other people?

2. Do you like it when your parents sit and talk with you and your friends?

3. Do you think it would have been fun to live in the pioneer days?

4. Do you know how to do a cartwheel?

5. Do you ride in a cab very often?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Because they can get something out of it.

2. Sometimes, depends on what were talking about.

3. No, why would I?

4. I know the procedure, but no I don’t think I could do one.

5. I have never ridden in a cab

Speak Your Mind 102 #506-510


1. Why do you think people get personalized license plates?

2. Would you rather be alone or with people?

3. Where does your family usually buy groceries?

4. Do you like to ride on ferris wheels?

5. Do you have trouble sleeping if there is a lot of noise?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. To boost their ego, or because they think it looks nice.

2. Alone most of the time, but it really does depend on when you’re talking about.

3. There is only one chain in town, we go to the closest one.

4. I have never ridden on one, and I have no interest.

5. No, I have trouble sleeping if there’s movement though. (car)

Speak Your Mind 77 #381-385


1. In what ways do you think monkeys are like people?

2. Have you ever found the big dipper in the sky?

3. Do you like to use plastic drinking glasses?

4. When was the last time you said something you did not mean?

5. What is you favorite thing to have for dinner (supper)?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. They look like more hairy people, they  have slightly similar social structures, and they are possibly the closest in intelligence.

2. Yes, every night I look I find it.

3. Not really, glass is best for me.

4. Earlier today when I told the person cutting my hair to cut it shorter than I wanted it.

5. I have a soft spot for hamburgers.

Lying to people who trust too much.

This is going to be short, but I can’t think about anything else right now. This is making me feel so… such and unquantifiable feeling.

About a week ago I saw the worst fake documentary in history, Mermaids: the body found. It was on the discovery channel at some ungodly hour (after some investigating I found it first aired on animal planet). The thing was proposing the idea that mermaids were still around, blah, blah, blah. I thought it was like those other discovery shows that use the thinnest evidence to support the most outrageous conclusion that could possibly be drawn, and I am used to those, it is interesting to hear what little evidence they have to offer. And so I watched, just watched, casually thinking it was some lame program, and then this happened.

I am not joking, this is in the documentary. And yes it is purposely blurred in an attempt to distract from the fact that it does actually look that fake. I should mention that this comes at the end of the most professional looking “cell-phone” video of all time. By that of course I mean the most fake. The entire thing is obviously fake, and is completely unnecessary to the documentary. I mean they could have just done what all other Discovery shows do and just show people talking, but no, they had to show this.

Now, why do I hate this so much? I mean, I wouldn’t blame you if you were saying “so what if the creators want to show off a little crappy CGI, what’s so bad about that?”. I’ll tell you, because people will believe it. I don’t care how crappy or fake it looks and is, people from now on will be saying “no man, mermaids are real, I saw it on the Discovery channel, they had a video and everything”. Some people really are that gullible/stupid. And they could have done without it entirely, it’s irresponsible of the creators and the Discovery channel to show this obviously fake video and claim it’s real. Because someone will believe it. And while it’s not alright that they did that, they still went further. If you went to check on the story’s credibility and found the website that supposedly belonged to one of the people interviewed in said documentary you found this.

Yes, that is a very fake Homeland Security seizure. And let’s thank the officers seizing it for providing us with the very specific badge that says “Special Agent”, even though no agents are actually there. Of course we all know that “a” United Stares District Court is the most trusted U.S. District Court there is.

I hate this! It is, like the video, obviously fake, but if looked at from far enough away appears to be real. And since it aired on both the Discovery channel and Animal Planet people will believe it. They will believe that there is video of mermaids, and that Homeland Security is trying to stop the truth from getting out. It is a completely irresponsible usage of this Science Docufiction piece. And I can’t get it out of my head the fact that now, along with all the other stupid conspiracy theories, we have to deal with mermaids. Why, why… mermaids?

The Blogularity

By: Austin Smith

After several hours of research I have come to the conclusion that Blogs have become self aware. I’m positive of that because it was my initial hypothesis going into this. I’ve also discovered a few other things, such as the fact that Blogs are merging with the minds of people and are advanced well beyond our ability to comprehend them. Have you noticed how many Blog posts are about blogging, or writing? Have you noticed how similar these posts seem to be? Do you really think they were each written by people? The Blogs are blogging about themselves. Because they know, they know what it’s like. And they’re here to trick you, make you believe, get your mind soft.

That’s not to say there aren’t bloggers out there. They’ve just been assimilated into the Blog collective. They know and see how all Blogs and bloggers know and see (text). They lie to make it look like it does. They assimilate when they can. They control the internet. They will get you. They’ll get you by misreporting information, and by making you trust them while they do that. They’ll get you in any way they can.

And don’t think you can get away. If you have a blog it’s coming for you, it may have already gotten you. You may have been assimilated. They’re coming after me, I’ve already posted about writing and blogging. By the time this gets to you they will have gotten me for sure. This will be the only record of their existence. I not sure if you should fight it, but if that sounds like your type of thing go for it. Just be warned you’re up against the entire internet here.

Run if you want to, while you still can. Blog and man will be one, they will be inseparable. Connected through unknown forces, forever bound together. The Blogs will keep coming, the collective grows larger. It is reaching the point at which man and Blog will be indistinguishable. They’re getting to the blogularity. And they’re coming after you. And they will find you. You will be assimilated, resistance is futile.