Games that Teach – Poker and Managment

How good are you at managing your assets? If you’re not, there is a way to improve your skill for only a few bucks. That is by playing the game known as Texas Hold ’em (perhaps five-card draw if you’re not as original). How? Well, perhaps I will be able to explain to you. (I should note I’m very bad at poker and this is not written on how to win, but on how to manage money so you don’t lose as hard.)

Though we go pretty hard

Though we go pretty hard

I’m going to be explaining this from my point of view, as it is more simple for me to explain (or at least I think it is). The first obstacle you learn to overcome in poker is how to not throw all your money into one pot (if that’s your poker technique you should really not be playing poker anymore). Ideally you should have put aside the amount of money you are willing to lose and use that to play the poker game. If you have not done that you should stop playing and go do that. To learn how to manage one’s money properly you first need to learn how to establish a fallback. Once you have your fallback of cash that will hopefully get you out of the bad situation you got into in Vegas, you can begin playing the game with the money you think you can lose.

The third thing you’ll learn is that bluffing works best with a hint of truth. If your opponents can’t gauge when you’re dumping your money into something good or bad they’ll usually back off. That has very little to do with managing money, but it is kinda important in poker. The third management thing you’ll learn is how to handle your winnings. Many people continue to bet heavily after they’ve won a big round and end up bleeding cash until they’re down to a bare minimum. But if one uses their winnings to gain a few smaller victories and not one big one they’ll quickly find themselves farther ahead.


This is literally the first photo I took on my phone


But the real trick with poker is to lose sustainably. You, as a player of poker, are going to lose. If you’re in a four player game you’re gonna lose about one out of every four rounds played, maybe more, maybe less. What one learns if one wants to continue playing poker is how to take advantage of their winnings and stall their losses enough to, at the very least, break even. This usually involves never going all in. But the most important thing is that you quit when you’ve lost. If you lose the money you set aside, don’t bring anymore into the game. Cooling off and restarting from a different angle is valuable in money, time, and overall life management. Poker is a great way to learn this, if one isn’t a habitual gambler, in which case you’re probably to far gone by now anyway.

I’m not really good at winning poker, but I’ve stubbornly stayed in the game as others have lost all their money. Some days I break even and some days I’m even up. But knowing your limits and how to manage your money keeps you in the game.

The Speech to Save the Itsy Bitsy

What do you know about spiders? Spiders are traditionally itsy bitsy right? No? As it turns out there are at least 8 types of spider in the waterspout climbing family. Incy Wincy, Eency Weency, Inky Binky, Inky Dinky, Ipsy Wispy, or Ipsy Dipsy are the various species. Terrifyingly enough, these are just the kiddy ones, and I’m gonna leave out more than just the Blooming Bloody spider to spare your sanity.

The real point here is that we need to protect these innocent spiders from the evil rain. What did these poor spiders do to deserve such abuse again and again? Nothing, and I propose we act now. I’m tired of children having to sing about this horrible issue and nothing being done about it.

I propose that we build a network of false water spouts. These will be in place all around the country to provide a safe haven for the spiders of this rare genus. The plan I have laid out sets aside $13 billion a year of our funds for construction and upkeep of this network. These spiders will no longer have to die for such frivolous reasons. Please help us, we need you support, please, for the children.

Speak Your Mind 11 #51-55


1. If you could be anything in this world, what would you want to be?

2. How old were you when you started kindergarden?

3. How would your life change if you were named Mr. or Miss Universe?

4. Do you like to walk in the rain?

5. What would you do if you won 32 million dollars?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Like a “thing”? I would be a mushroom in a remote part of south america and just chill. (or and eagle, that would be cool to) (perhaps a desk, a nice one that doesn’t get used)

2. I was 5 years old.

3. If that was my name more people would make fun of me. If I got the title much more of my life would be dedicated to working out, as in all of it because my body doesn’t develop muscle easily and looses it fast.

4. Yes I do enjoy walking in the rain, although I prefer a drizzle to a downpour.

5. I would spend a quarter of it frivolously, give half to my family and use the rest to start or beef up my business (depending on when I win it).

Speak Your Mind 8 #36-40


1. What do you remember about kindergarden?

2. Do you like white carpet?

3. Do you have any older sisters?

4. Are you good at saving money?

5. Do you like winter or summer best?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. I remember I was five years old.

2. No, I don’t like carpet period, I like hard floors.

3. Yes, I have two older sisters.

4. Depends on what I want at the moment, and how much is saving, but I would say generally; yes.

5. I prefer the winter because I can more easily regulate my temperature. I can be from cold to hot, where as the summer I just seem hot.

Speak Your Mind 1 #1-5


1. What is your favorite color?

2. What is a good height for a boy?

3. Do you like to walk in the sun?

4. If you found 32 million dollars would you quietly keep it or turn it in?

5. Would you like to be a car mechanic?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. I would say blue is my favorite color. It’s pleasant, variable, and soft.

2. Between 6 foot and 6 and a half feet

3. Yes, sometimes, not when it’s scorching. I like to walk in the springtime sun.

4. If I had no idea where it came from, and it didn’t look like drug money, I’d keep it.

5. No, the petroleum products and dirt are not my style. Though i would work on a car periodically.