Thoughts on InCoWriMo

InCoWriMo (international Correspondence Writing Month) just ended (February {written in early March}) and I was participating. I just wanted to say a few things about it.

I really enjoyed the process of writing letters and finding friends and family members who would be willing to read them and possibly reply. I worked on my handwriting to make everything look nice (because I’ll just say it: this was all really an excuse for me to use my pens and practice penmanship with some great things happening because of it). I sent letters to family members, far-away friends, and even interesting acquaintances. It was all rather exciting, but I still got to sit in my chair.

I will admit that I didn’t finish. I was struck by a string of migraines in the middle of the month that decimated my output of everything, including letters. I only got two-thirds of the way done. But it was a very rewarding two-thirds.

I haven’t received many letters back at this point, but I hope to. I have been writing letters for some time to various people and really enjoy getting letters back.

I just thought I should share, for any pen lovers out there, or people who want to write to people but don’t get around to it, there is this wonderful month put on by the people over at and You should definitely try it out next year. I know I will.

Speak Your Mind 165 #821-825


1. What do you think about back seat driver’s?

2. What do you think is the perfect age in life?

3. Have you ever had stitches?

4. Did you have a special blanket when you were a small child?

5.  What is one thing you do well that helps you get along with your friends?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. I think they should be quiet.

2. I have absolutely no idea, whichever one you like.

3. No, fortunately I have not.

4. No, I’m not sure I had a special anything.

5. I don’t know, I’m still surprised I have friends.

Speak Your Mind 107 #531-535


1. Why do you think people are mean to other people?

2. Do you like it when your parents sit and talk with you and your friends?

3. Do you think it would have been fun to live in the pioneer days?

4. Do you know how to do a cartwheel?

5. Do you ride in a cab very often?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Because they can get something out of it.

2. Sometimes, depends on what were talking about.

3. No, why would I?

4. I know the procedure, but no I don’t think I could do one.

5. I have never ridden in a cab

Speak Your Mind 92 #456-460


1. Do you have an oily scalp?

2. What is one thing you could do to get along better with your friends?

3. have you ever seen a sunflower with the seeds still in it?

4. What are some things your family does together?

5. How tall is your father?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Not really, my skin is very dry.

2. Not makes jokes about not caring about what they say.

3. No, I never have strangely enough.

4. Play games, eat, watch TV.

5. About 5′ 6″