Book Review – Getting Things Done (By: David Allen)

Getting Things Done is one of the most popular books By David Allen (not that he’s written that many) and from what I can tell one of the most popular books in the “self-help”/organization genre. I’m reviewing here the older copy (pre-2015) and I don’t know what, if anything, has been revised in the new edition.

Getting things done cover

The book is mainly a set of structures and guidelines to the “art of stress-free productivity”. Allen details how to get things out of your mind and into a medium (be it paper or electronic) and then to organize it all to be processed. The idea behind this is to allow for decisions to be made easier, and thus actions taken faster to get in control of the work you are doing, while eliminating your mind as a container for remembering, (to-do lists, shopping lists, dates, reference material, etc.) so more, if not all, of your brain power can be devoted to creative thinking and problem solving, instead of simpler tasks.

The guidelines in the book are fairly robust, and seem like they would work quite well, though I feel like a complete implementation of his system would be far too cumbersome to allow you to go about your regular life or have some relaxation time. He does continue to tell you throughout the book, though, that only full implementation will yield the best results. I feel though that this is more of a tactic to get you doing any of the things at all, and it probably works on a lot of people but I personally found it redundant and slightly annoying. I’m not sure anyone could possibly fully implement this system and have a way to capture ideas close at hand and usable at all times (unless there is someone else with you in the car, nothing will be {or should be} written down).

David does balance that point out, though, with his own experiences of using his systems. He doesn’t claim to be a robot and do it all. He relates times when he was slipping in his work and keeping track of his system, or how in many cases he was doing work less to get it done and out of his mind, but more to mess around with his new digital gadget. But he does use his own system, and its core is so simple and so versatile that it can easily be rebuilt after slipping. (As one of my {Teachers, Friends, Collaborators} once said {Roughly paraphrased} “Life is just creating one system that works and then watching it slowly fall apart and burn down, then moving on to the next system”)

The central philosophy is essentially:

  • Have a way to capture ideas, projects, and actions to take with you whenever possible
  • Transfer these notes and all of the other “paper” (digital files, office supplies, etc.) and put it in to an “inbox”.
  • Process this inbox every day and sort things into things you need to do, things someone else needs to do (either through delegation or they need to get back to you with info), things that will need reviewing the future, and things that can be easily done right now.
  • Do the simple things right now (or ASAP) and then add the other items to various checklists to review at appropriate intervals.

While it is not the simplest thing ever, it is quite easy to understand and do. It just takes the startup investment time and then one could be off and running. Even if it breaks with only a few of the core elements around, the others can easily be added. Some of the ideas might even be so simple you’ve figured them out yourself and have been using them for some time. For those that this applies to, the book aims at coordinating and making these systems you’ve created more effective by integrating it with the “getting things done” method. With stress being on the point that it will take time now, but it will save you way more in the future.

That idea is hard enough to get into people’s heads already, and I’m guessing if more people figured that out we’d all be more productive. But to combat this inherent laziness and constant “mind numbing” from thinking about all the things we have to do, the “getting things done” method emphasizes breaking big tasks into little ones that can be done right away, and riding the ‘I got something done’ wave on to being more productive in the next project. With “what is the next action?” being a core part of the process. Deciding on what the next action is is getting quite a bit of the way to getting it done, and makes one feel more confident and accomplished.

For all the time the book spends hammering in the rules above and how to get things ordered on the lower, every-day level, there isn’t much talk about the larger picture. I will say this book does better than some, which focus only on the immediate or the big picture. But it has much less of a plan for how to shape your big picture plans and where to go with them. Perhaps this is a good thing, as you don’t want some random book guy telling you how to run your life, but I found the last few chapters which were dedicated to this to be a redundant slog.

And to that end the book falls into the traps that many “self-help” books do, it becomes a slog to get through. Too much information is covered in every chapter, meaning that it needs to be constantly re-gone over. Even then there are numerous callbacks to earlier parts of the book. Information is repeated again and again to ingrain it in the heads of readers who retain less information than ones like me and quite frankly I get bored of it. Fortunately for this book multiple times when I was beginning to think Mr. Allen hand run out of things to say I was proven wrong, I just wish he could have been a little more concise about it.

I don’t want to give the impression that I disliked the book. Quite the contrary, I very much liked it and have used many of the ideas presented to improve my own personal productivity. They really have helped me, and while I think a “full” implementation of the process might be impractical for me, I will be adding more of the ideas as I can until I feel the diminishing returns aren’t worth it. It’s still a lot to tackle personal productivity in your mind, though, as I proved when, even though I liked the book, it took me the better part of a year to get all of the way through it (I got ¾ of the way through and then didn’t read a page for probably half a year) (My total read time was probably only in hours, though). It has the aforementioned problem of falsely inflating itself to be worthy as a “book”, where I think it could have easily been done in far fewer pages, but people might have dismissed it then as we tend to think of bigger as better. Still, I could consider this book essential reading, along with “People Skills” on this list of “self-help books that actually have good points”.

Review – Master’s Touch Palette Knife

I’ve been painting recently, and have a new appreciation for palette knives (foolishly I never used them before), both for controlling paint on a palette, and for painting. Unfortunately I’ve found no real resource that says if there are consistent sizes and shapes for palette knives, and I don’t believe there really is. So instead of this being a review of a specific size or shape of knife, this will be a general look at the quality of the Master’s Touch brand of inexpensive and easily accessible palette knives.


The particular knife style here is slightly unconventional, and appears in the least amount of photos I see online, though it is the shape used by Bob Ross, so it’s got that going for it. The handle is a light, okay finished wood with a lanyard hole and the Master’s Touch logo imprinted on it. It’s sturdy enough and it works. Following that is what appears to be a “brass” “section” ring that is dented and losing its finish. It holds the blade in place, fairly sturdily, but also not centered. The blade is stainless steel, quite flexible and tapers down to a very usable edge. It is finished well enough, and doesn’t get thin enough to cut easily, but I suppose if one really tried they could make it dangerous. In some places the brushed finish isn’t nearly as well done, but these places don’t really matter in the scheme of things.

Overall it’s a nice introductory tool. It obviously has some quality control issues, but they aren’t major and don’t prevent the tool from functioning or make it dangerous. It’s inexpensive, and I would recommend it to anyone who isn’t sure if they really want to paint and are just trying to get into it, upgrading in the future is always possible and still isn’t a lot of money. And even if one doesn’t this tool will likely be able to last a painting lifetime.

The Blogularity

By: Austin Smith

After several hours of research I have come to the conclusion that Blogs have become self aware. I’m positive of that because it was my initial hypothesis going into this. I’ve also discovered a few other things, such as the fact that Blogs are merging with the minds of people and are advanced well beyond our ability to comprehend them. Have you noticed how many Blog posts are about blogging, or writing? Have you noticed how similar these posts seem to be? Do you really think they were each written by people? The Blogs are blogging about themselves. Because they know, they know what it’s like. And they’re here to trick you, make you believe, get your mind soft.

That’s not to say there aren’t bloggers out there. They’ve just been assimilated into the Blog collective. They know and see how all Blogs and bloggers know and see (text). They lie to make it look like it does. They assimilate when they can. They control the internet. They will get you. They’ll get you by misreporting information, and by making you trust them while they do that. They’ll get you in any way they can.

And don’t think you can get away. If you have a blog it’s coming for you, it may have already gotten you. You may have been assimilated. They’re coming after me, I’ve already posted about writing and blogging. By the time this gets to you they will have gotten me for sure. This will be the only record of their existence. I not sure if you should fight it, but if that sounds like your type of thing go for it. Just be warned you’re up against the entire internet here.

Run if you want to, while you still can. Blog and man will be one, they will be inseparable. Connected through unknown forces, forever bound together. The Blogs will keep coming, the collective grows larger. It is reaching the point at which man and Blog will be indistinguishable. They’re getting to the blogularity. And they’re coming after you. And they will find you. You will be assimilated, resistance is futile.