Speak Your Mind 127 #631-635


1. Do you like long fingernails or short fingernails for men?

2. Do you have any nieces or nephews?

3. Do you ever have to wash dishes?

4. Do you think it is important for a girl to learn how to clean?

5. Do you like to sleep with the window open?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. I don’t like fingernails too long period, nor too short, in between for all people.

2. Yes, and most of them are quite a lot older than me.

3. Sometime, but only large ones or when we’re camping.

4. It’s important for everyone to learn how to clean.

5. No, I like a more regulated temperature, and the nights are very cold here.

Speak Your Mind 48 #236-240


1. How long does it take you to get dressed each morning?

2. Do you have a garden at home?

3. What kind of car(s) does (do) your family drive?

4. Do you have a dry scalp?

5. How often do you wash your hair?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. About 5-15 minutes.

2. Not really, but we have places where flowers should be.

3. A van, two Jeeps and a Versa.

4. Sort of but not really.

5. A few times a week.