Speak Your Mind 175 #871-875


1. Does it bother you to hold worms?

2. Do you think it’s important to learn how to type?

3. Have you ever ridden in the back of a truck?

4. Do you like long fingernails or short fingernails on children?

5. Do you think 20 year olds who live with their parents should pay rent?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Not really, but I don’t hold too many worms.

2. Yes, especially with how much we use computers these days.

3. Yes, quite a few times unfortunately.

4. It depends on what they do, but short seems better for most people.

5. It depends on what they do, and what they are planning to do, but I would say yes generally.

Speak Your Mind 68 #336-340


1. Are most people in your family tall or short?

2. Do you get to spend as much time working on a computers as you would like to?

3. Do you think people should always say what they think?

4. Do you think you are old enough to date?

5. What is your favorite thing to have for breakfast?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Most of them are medium height or on the taller side.

2. Sure, I guess, perhaps not sometimes.

3. If they are going to say something, yes.

4. I think I’ve been old enough to date for a while now.

5. Nothing, I rarely eat breakfast.


Speak Your Mind 55 #271-275


1. What color hair does your gym teacher have?

2. Are you short for your age?

3. Have you ever seen a large building on fire?

4. Why do you think people have family reunions?

5.Do you like to watch movies in class?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. I have no gym teacher.

2. No, I’m average.

3. No, but I’ve seen most of west Texas on fire.

4. To get reunited.

5. Of course, is there anyone who doesn’t?

Speak Your Mind 15 #71-75


1. What is an animal you are afraid of?

2. Do you have any older brothers?

3. What size shoes do you wear?

4. What should a person do if his/her name is mispronounced?

5. Do you like your fingernails ling or short?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Anything that can kill me with venom, and cockroaches, those things are freaky.

2. Yes, I have one older brother.

3. I wear 12s or 13s depending on the brand.

4. First make sure that the person was talking to them (that happens to me sometimes when there are five Austin’s and two Justin’s) and then politely correct their pronunciation.

5. I like them as long as I can get them without them getting in the way. They’re more useful that way.