Speak Your Mind 44 #216-220


1. What class are you likely to get a good grade in?

2. What color do you think fire trucks should be?

3. Do you like to go camping?

4. What is one thing that makes your nervous?

5. What is your favorite nighttime T.V. show?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Most likely a science or math class.

2. Red is fine, but we might be able to see green farther away.

3. Sort of, but not on long trips.

4. Living, living makes me nervous.

5. I’ll watch any show that comes on late because my brain is numb by that time.

Speak Your MInd 36 #181-185


1.  What would you most like for an afternoon snack?

2. Is (did) your school soccer team winning (win) a lot of games this year?

3. Who cuts your hair?

4. How do you think students feel when they get good grades on tests?

5. Do you like to use plastic knives?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. I think tuna salad.

2. The school I went to has no soccer team.

3. My mom, sometimes myself or a hairdresser.

4. Probably a feeling of accomplishment, I don’t know, I never felt anything when I did.

5. No, I severely dislike plastic knives actually.


Speak Your Mind 28 #136-140

1. Do you like to eat lobster?

2. Does your family own a truck?

3. Where does your father work?

4. How old were you when you quit believing in Santa Claus?

5. How do you think students feel when they get bad grades on tests?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. No, lobster is the shellfish I least care for, and I’m not the biggest fan of shellfish.

2. Up until a few months ago we did, but it is no longer.

3. At a motel, which he owns.

4. I never believed in Santa.

5. Bad if they care about their jobs, indifferent if they are, and good if they are malicious. It really depends on the teacher.