Speak Your Mind 110 #546-550


1. Do you think 16 year olds should be allowed to vote?

2. How do you feel about sharing clothes with your brothers and sisters?

3. What do you think is a good number of kittens for a cat to have?

4. Have you ever been bitten by a person?

5. Do you wear a watch?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. No, I know 16 year olds, and they definitely should not.

2. Never had too, wouldn’t do it, I trust no one with my stuff.

3. Three or four, not too many, but not too few.

4. Yes, in a fight.

5. Yes, all the time, it’s fantastic.


Speak Your Mind 50 #246-250


1.Did your family take a vacation this year?

2. Do you have trouble sleeping if you eat to much?

3. Which professional football team do you like the best?

4. Do you prefer tie shoes or slip-on shoes?

5.What did you wear to school yesterday?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Only a week long trip, and it wasn’t my whole family.

2. No, I sleep the same under any circumstance almost.

3. I don’t watch football.

4. Slip-ons all the way.

5. I didn’t go to school yesterday.