Speak Your Mind 35 #176-180


1. What color do you think ceilings should be?

2. How old were you when you first started to like boys (girls)?

3. Do you like taffy apples?

4. Do you ever feel lonely?

5. What is your locker number?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. White, but if it can be more than one color it should be a painting of the stars.

2. I liked girls as long as I can remember, so about five or six.

3. Yes, but they’re far from my favorite kind.

4. Unfortunately all the time.

5. I don’t have one, and even when I did I didn’t remember the number.


Speak Your Mind 25 #121-125


1. Which do you like best, apples or oranges?

2. Do you live in a ranch house?

3. Is there an attic in your house?

4. have you ever fallen asleep somewhere that you didn’t want to fall asleep?

5. How old were you when you first worked on a computer?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. I like apples better by far.

2. No, and I never have, but I know people who do.

3. Sorta, it’s kinda like a crawl space but a little larger and covered in insulation.

4. Yeah, lots of places, class, at the beach, in my backyard, when I was a kid I fell asleep in the gutter while it was raining, and one time I dozed off on a couch and slid onto some girl, that was awkward. (I was not drunk in any of these instances)

5. Well, I first used a computer when I was about five, can’t say I did work on one until I was seven, and I didn’t open one up until I was 13.