Speak Your Mind 174 #866-870


1. Does your mother work away from home?

2. What is your favorite magazine?

3. How far do you live from school?

4. Do you like christmas lights that blink.

5.Do you like it when your parents come to school for ball games?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Yes technically, though she does a lot of work from home.

2. Probably “Wargames Illustrated”

3. I used to live a mile or so when I went to school.

4. No, I’m not that fond of regular christmas lights either.

5. My parents never did so I can’t say.


Speak Your Mind 151 #751-755


1. Will you be home before the sun sets tonight?

2. Do you have your own checking account?

3. Which professional baseball team do you like the best?

4. Do you like onions on your hamburger?

5. How do you feel when you go out on a balcony at the top of a high building?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Yes I will be, I was.

2. Yes, but I only have a debit card associated with it.

3. I don’t really care.

4. No, I don’t like onions or tomato.

5. Sometimes my legs get wobbly and my hands get sweaty.

Speak Your Mind 71 #351-355


1. If an artist drew a caricature of you, what do you think the main feature would be?

2. Do you like your toenails to be long or short?

3. Have you ever gone to disney world?

4. What would you do if you were left alone at home?

5. Do you know how to swim?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Probably my hair.

2. Short so they don’t get caught on anything.

3. No, I don’t like amusement parks, they don’t give my mind enough to do.

4. I have been, and I just get more work done, I’m boring.

5. Not very well, but yes.


Speak Your Mind 26 #126-130


1. Do you think children should be allowed to have pop?

2. Do you think it’s important for a boy to learn how to do laundry?

3. Do you have many t-shirts with sayings on them?

4. What is the first thing you usually do when you get home from school?

5. What is your favorite vegetable?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. As in music? No. But if you mean soda, then yes, though regulation of the amount by parents would be beneficial.

2. Of course, everyone should at least know how. (I was going to make a joke about that being women’s work but I just couldn’t)

3. Not many, but I will buy more.

4. When I went to school the first thing I would do when I got home was to catch up on the online things I missed or sleep.

5. Potatoes all the way man.