Speak Your Mind 176 #876-880


1. What do you think it the biggest problem in the U.S.?

2. Have you ever been at a football game where it got very cold?

3. When parents get divorced, who should the children live with?

4. Do you have a long cord on your telephone?

5. What are your school colors?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Every answer I would give would be wrong.

2. I’ve never been to a football game.

3. Who ever the better parent is.

4. We have one with a very long cord indeed, but most are wireless.

5. When I went to school they were purple and gold.

Speak Your Mind 169 #841-845


1. What is a good age for guys to get married?

2. Do you think being a policeman or policewoman would be a good job?

3. What do you think about divorce?

4. Are you good at playing checkers?

5. Why do you think indians made their clothes out of deer skin?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Whenever they want to and it’s legal.

2. Not really, I’m not the intimidation kind of person.

3. I don’t like it, thing people should know they will be compatible and stick with it before they get married.

4. Yeah, but nothing special.

5. Because it was what was available to them, europeans made clothes out of cow skin.