Table Topics Chit Chat 44 #87-88


  1. What would be your ideal weekly schedule?
  2. If you had one year to live what would you do differently?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

  1. One I could stick to.
  2. Nothing really, I wouldn’t consider much else, I’m boring.

Table Topics Chit Chat 10 #19-20


1. If you could have dinner anywhere in the world which restaurant would you choose?

2. What’s your favorite month of the year?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Every time I’ve eaten “better” food I haven’t liked it, so the closest above fast food restaurant from me.

2. I have no favorite month, and I  have no means of determining one.

Table Topics Family 48 #95-96


1. If you could visit any place on earth for one week where would you go?

2. Would you rather be an only child or have 10 siblings?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. I wouldn’t, I really don’t like traveling, and I don’t care about what place in the world I see. I know I’m in the minority there, so if I could give that opportunity to someone else I would.

2. That’s a really hard one. And would depend on whether the income of my family rose to match the increased demand. If that were the case, and my siblings were respectful of my things, I might prefer the latter. But if either of those things weren’t the case, I wouldn’t.