How-To: Improperly Set Up a Work Routine

Everyone needs to work– at least, well, sorta. But anyway, if you want a good life you need to work. I think. Whatever. But in order to get this work done, you need a good way to get the work done, and that means things like having a workspace and a schedule. And while it’s easy to identify what makes a workspace, it’s much harder to identify what makes a schedule. Not so much in the physical aspects, but in the psychological aspects that make you actually adhere to the schedule.

Now if you’ve read my last How-To, you’d know exactly how important sleeping is, so I’d recommend reading that before proceeding. Next, print out a bunch of pieces of paper and date them. Blank Excel documents or form templates will work well for this. Then begin to schedule out all of the things that need to be done for your work. Do this in one long stretch; it is absolutely imperative that you take no breaks during this process.

Once you have finished writing down everything you need to do for the next five years, go to the store and buy the cheapest binder, and some cookies (because you earned them). Then stuff all of your planning into that binder and place it in the done pile of your desk. Place everything you complete on top of it and forget about it for several months.

Now discover it and remember that you have no discipline and scheduling isn’t your thing. Neither is sleeping.

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