Table Topics Chit Chat 51 #101-102


  1. Do you have a lucky number?
  2. If you could trade houses with someone whose home would you choose?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

  1. No, but I like to say it’s 7.
  2. Whoever has the biggest and/or the most natural disaster proof in the world.


Table Topics Chit Chat 50 #99-100


  1. If you could wear anything to work what would you wear?
  2. Which fictional character do you wish you could meet?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

  1. What I wear now (I’m boring and practical)
  2. I don’t know, none of them ever act quite like real people and I think that would throw me off.


Table Topics Chit Chat 49 #97-98


  1. If you didn’t have to work how would you spend your time?
  2. What one modern convenience could you live without?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

  1. Working. (I wouldn’t just change)
  2. Being always connected.

Table Topics Chit Chat 48 #95-96


  1. Which era of history would you choose to live in other than the present?
  2. What was the best TV sitcom of all time?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

  1. The time right before the present.
  2. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.