Table Topics Chit Chat 39 #77-78


  1. Would you rather see the Rose Bowl Parade, Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade, or Mardi Gras?
  2. If you had to lose one of your senses which would you pick?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

  1. One of these things doesn’t belong. But probably the Macy’s parade, because it’s the one I’d not enjoy the least.
  2. I already can’t smell most of the time, so that one might be fine.

Speak Your Mind 159 #791-795


1. How often should laundry be done?

2. What is the best time of year to have a party?

3. Do you like to play board games?

4. Do you think picking blackberries would be fun?

5. Do you think children should be allowed to have candy?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. About once every three-quarters of it is used.

2. I’m not sure as I don’t have or go to parties really.

3. Yes, I love to play board games, and I design them, so there’s that indication.

4. Maybe for a little while, but not for very long, no.

5. That depends on how good they’ve been.