Speak Your Mind 85 #421-425


1. Why do you think females usually have longer hair than men?

2.  Name something that makes you feel jealous?

3. Do you like grape juice?

4. Why do you think some kids are naughty in school?

5. Which would you rather buy-a pack of gun or M&M peanuts?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Because traditionally men would need to cut their hair so it wouldn’t get in their way while they were hunting or fighting.

2. Whenever someone gets something I was working hard for. I don’t get jealous usually though.

3. Yes, I do like grape juice.

4. Because they are spoiled, stupid brats. I don’t like anything to do with school so that is a little biased.

5. Peanut M&Ms for sure.

Speak Your Mind 4 #16-20


1. How old do you want to be when you get married?

2. Which would you rather drink for lunch: milk or soda?

3. Do you like to chew gum?

4. If you had a 14 year old daughter, how late would you let her stay out on a school night?

5. Do you know how to swim?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Under 25, and obviously a few years older then I am now.

2. Depends on the lunch, mostly soda, but sometimes milk just goes better with what I’m eating.

3. Yes, wrigly’s Double-Mint.

4. As late as it takes her to realize staying out late sucks. Or ten.

5. I just found out yesterday that I know how to sink slowly.