Speak Your Mind 198 #986-990


1. Do you think life was less fulfilling in the days before nation-wide newspapers were available?

2. What are you going to do this (next) summer?

3. Did you like Teddy Bears when you were a child?

4. Why do you think Indians did not use guns to hunt?

5. What is the most interesting thing you learned in school this week?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Again it depends on what fulfilling means to you, but I would say no.

2. I will be moving and broadening my company.

3. Yes, I had a few.

4. Because they did not have the technology to do so, or they didn’t adapt their hunting techniques when guns were brought over.

5. I am no longer in school.

Speak Your Mind 172 #856-860


1. Do you like to blow up balloons?

2. Do you think high school students are mature enough to drive?

3. Do you think life was less fulfilling in the days before radio?

4. Do you drink a lot of orange juice?

5. In what ways do you think people are like pigs?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Not particularly.

2. Not in the slightest.

3. No, but it really depends.

4. Yes,  I drink way too much.

5. In ways that are not being pink, having no vocal cords and standing on four legs.

Speak Your Mind 153 #761-765


1. What will be the best thing about graduating from high school?

2. Do you think life was less fulfilling in the days before telephone?

3. Do you like to walk in the rain?

4. Do you think teenagers should buy their own clothes?

5. Have you ever fallen asleep in school?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. The best part was getting away from some of the people.

2. No, I have no idea wether it was more or less.

3. When I’m in the clothes to do so and it is in the summer yes.

4. That would depend on the teenager.

5. Yes, but never during a lecture or a teacher talking at any point.


Speak Your Mind 125 #621-625


1. Why do you thing Indians made shoes instead of just going barefoot?

2. Do you like large earrings?

3. Do you think life was less fulfilling in the days before TV?

4. Have you ever played in a softball game

5. What color do you think an umbrella should be?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith.

1. Because some things on the ground hurt.

2. No, I very much dislike them.

3. No, though I’m not sure if it’s gotten less fulfilling.

4. No, I know those ball aren’t soft.

5. Just plain black, it’s nice and simple.