Mini Review – TxDOT Highlighter

This review is going to be a bit different than my normal ones (hopefully quicker). I found this highlighter for almost nothing in a charity shop where it seems someone donated whatever they didn’t give away. It’s got no branding save a message not to drink and drive (fine advice) and such a strange shape that I wanted to take a look.

The body is a very large cylinder that bubbles out in the front and has 3 flattened areas that are ribbed for grip. It’s mostly smooth, save for a coarse area in the back where messages can be printed, so obviously it’s from some bulk-online company and the only logos are the ones that are being advertised. At the back, there is a giant, super-satisfying click mechanism and a surprisingly robust clip. The mechanism is a standard one (that you can see through the translucent body) that should perform all right and keep the tip from drying out immediately. The ink is a very pale, lackluster orange that doesn’t have a good smudge-resistance but does what one would expect.

I just think it’s a nice, chunky, fascinating thing. It isn’t very practical but it gets the job done and it shouldn’t be possible to lose. And it’s made of a sturdy (and thick) enough plastic that if the refill is any good it should last for years. And hey, if you managed to get one, it was probably free! (Also it comes in one of those terrible plastic bags that I think is supposed to prevent it from drying out and which I can’t imagine working.)

Speak Your Mind 183 #911-915


1. Do you like to use plastic spoons?

2. Do you like the way velvet feels?

3. Is (Did) your school football team winning (win) a lot of games this year?

4. How tall is your P.E. teacher?

5. Have you ever had water from a well?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Yeah, but I prefer things that I don’t have to throw away.

2. Kinda, it isn’t may favorite thing.

3. I no longer go to school.

4. I no longer go to school.

5. Yes, I have a well on my property.

Speak Your Mind 69 #341-345


1. Are all your teeth permanent teeth?

2. Do you know anyone who has a drinking problem?

3. What is your favorite thing about Christmas?

4. Which do you think looks better: a one hump camel or a two hump camel?

5. Do you think trick or treating is safe?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Yes they are.

2. not of the “can’t drink” but of the alcohol variety; yes, my brothers roommate

3. The fact that I’m usually more happy than most of the Christians. (I’m Messianic Hebrew)

4. I think a two hump camel is more aesthetically pleasing.

5. Yes, I never got hurt doing it.

Speak Your Mind 19 #91-95


1. How tall are you?

2. Which do you like best: showers or baths?

3. What color eyes are most common in your family?

4. Do you think it is a good idea to walk home alone at night?

5. What do you like to drink with pizza?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. About 5’10”.

2. Whichever is over quickest with the same amount of cleanliness, probably showering, but it depends on the time.

3. Green I believe.

4. Depends on the place, where I live it is.

5. Sodas of most kinds, or water.