Drawing Every Day for 1 Year

Back in May, I wrote a post about how I’d been drawing every day. Since then I have continued, until this Christmas, when I finished one year of drawing every day. I have 365 drawings that I can look back on from this year, and I must say it is wonderful. I really can’t imagine how I did it, with everything else I do. Not that I am the busiest guy in the world, but just remembering to do it every day seems like it would take a toll on my tiny attention span. And I guess it did. Some days it almost didn’t count as I was doing it after midnight, but as long as I have all of them and did one within 18 hours of any given other, then I call it a win.

Like before, I can’t attest to it doing my skill any great service. I now know I can draw things I didn’t know I could before, but that’s about it. I’m still really glad I did it. I think I improved on my time and my simple skill, such as straight lines, etc. I’m really glad I did it, and I hope to keep doing it for a very long time, just like that. I would encourage anyone else who likes drawing or art to do something similar, as having a goal (1 a day, even with no time limit, is a goal) that has easily observable milestones will make all of those other little things that are harder to measure easier to cope with, and handle. We might not see measurable effects of them in years, but I can see that on Christmas last year I started drawing every day. Now, one year later, I have done it for one year, and I have the paper to show for it, and that’s wonderful.

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