Speak Your Mind 18 #86-90


1. What color do you think goes best with yellow?

2. Do you like Italian food?

3. What is your middle name?

4. Do you have oily skin?

5. How old were you when your parents let you start answering the phone?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Being an artist my first choice would be purple. (followed by orange and then green)

2. Yes, it is the only food that I am always in the mood for.

3. Thomas is my middle name.

4. Depends on the time, and place.

5. As long as I can remember talking I remember picking up the phone at least part of the time.

Speak Your Mind 15 #71-75


1. What is an animal you are afraid of?

2. Do you have any older brothers?

3. What size shoes do you wear?

4. What should a person do if his/her name is mispronounced?

5. Do you like your fingernails ling or short?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Anything that can kill me with venom, and cockroaches, those things are freaky.

2. Yes, I have one older brother.

3. I wear 12s or 13s depending on the brand.

4. First make sure that the person was talking to them (that happens to me sometimes when there are five Austin’s and two Justin’s) and then politely correct their pronunciation.

5. I like them as long as I can get them without them getting in the way. They’re more useful that way.