Moving Etc…

Moving but I can’t believe it.

That was the title of this article two weeks ago, when I tried to write it when I was moving. For the record, this a bad idea. A good idea is to have things planned ahead of time and don’t try to do work when you’re moving. Anyway, obviously I didn’t get it done. I barely got anything done that week, or the week after. And now I’m here and still barely getting anything done.

Part of that is shock. Three weeks ago, when I was visiting Austin, I was very confident in my ability to fail at getting an apartment. But I didn’t fail. And the shock of actually getting a place at a “decent” price so near school time was just too much for my brain to handle. I spent the next week not planning for the move at all because I still couldn’t believe it was happening. (My mother would like me to mention how much she helped, and it was quite a lot)

I have only moved this once in my life, and it was difficult, as I couldn’t do what my brother and most people my age have done and simply take a few things and go. I have enough responsibilities in my website and comics that I had to take all of the things necessary to continue those, but they wouldn’t help enough to affect my life in any other way. In essence, I was taking my future, something that I’ve spent a lot of time working on and don’t want to waste, but something that is currently just a drag on my social and business life.

Not that I don’t drag that down anyway. I barely went outside the first few days, probably because I don’t have any money and going out usually requires money, because that’s what it takes to do things.

At this point I should have already posted a Blog post about my move being the reason all of the things are late this week (at least I got all but one released on the right day). So, as with many of my articles, I’m not sure what I’m trying to say here. I’m just overwhelmed, I feel like I’ve learned and re-learned so many things and I just don’t know how to organize my thoughts.

My routine has already been shattered, and will need quite a bit of time to fix, I reckon. Things will be late, things will be not done, new ideas will pop into my head. I just have to keep moving, which, as tired as I am right now, seems very difficult.
So yeah, I’ve moved and I can’t believe it. It doesn’t make sense to me, but a lot of things don’t make sense right now. I think I’ll have to make do, and it should all work out.

Reasons for Lateness

Hello followers! As you have no doubt seen if you are indeed following, things have been late all of this week. That is because I have been moving. Things will hopefully be back on track by the end of this week or the beginning of next week. And this week there will definitely be an art supply review. Thank you for taking the time to view this site and for your patience in this matter.

Table Topics Family 18 #35-36


1. If you lived during the gold rush would you have journeyed West to strike it rich?

2. What do you enjoy most about each of your siblings?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. No, I’m terrified of moving in this interconnected age, I would have been even more terrified and uncertain then.

2. Right now the fact that they are all so far away that it takes effort on the part of both of us to meet thus making the time we share more enjoyable and less stressful.

Speak Your Mind 187 #931-935


1. Do you like Mexican food?

2. What is your favorite thing to eat at McDonalds?

3. How often do you see your first cousins?

4. When you are talking while standing, do you tend to move around a lot?

5 What is one kind of food that you would rather not have to eat?


1. Yes, I quite like it.

2. A cheeseburger, but I don’t eat there very often.

3. Not very often at all.

4. Yes, I move far too much.

5. Anything spicy ever.

Speak Your Mind 154 #766-770


1. Do you exercise everyday?

2. Do you think it will snow at your house this winter?

3. Do you think you would like to live in a trailer?

4. Do you like it when you parents come to school for conferences?

5. Do you think you will live in this town as an adult?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. No, but I try to get out as often as possible.

2. It has, but I hope no more.

3. Absolutely not.

4. I remember not caring either way really.

5. I was hoping so, but it looks like no.