Speak Your Mind 120 #596-600


1. Do you ever read Dear Abby?

2. Do you have a hobby?

3. Which month of the year do you like best?

4. Which would you rather buy: a Firebird or a Fiat?

5. How do ou think it feels to have a teacher call on you when you do not know the answer?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. No, I never have, I don’t see why I should.

2. I have many hobbies, collecting, painting, building, filming, blogging, etc.

3. I don’t usually play favorites and the month is no exception.

4. Neither, I would save the money. But if I had to choose it would be a Firebird.

5. It is not fun at all.


Speak Your Mind 59 #291-295


1. Would you rather swim in a pool or a lake?

2. Do you think guys are better off if they know how to cook?

3. What are the coldest months of the year in YOUR TOWN?

4. What is something that makes you feel angry?

5. Did you walk to school this morning?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. A lake for sure.

2. I think everyone is better off knowing how to cook?

3. January, that’s it.

4. Societies condoning of illegal and irrational behavior under the guise of freedom and brotherhood, while being unable to accept the differences and complexities of others.

5. I didn’t go to school this morning.