Table Topics Family 63 #125-126


1. Would you rather lose or never play?

2. What’s the most important right a person has?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. That would depend on the situation, generally I’d rather lose.

2. I’d say that “rights” don’t really exist and are just the ideas of people, so in that frame of mind whatever an individual thought was most important would be the most important.

Table Topics Family 62 #123-124


1. Is it harder for you to eat healthy or get exercise?

2. What makes a good loser, and are you one?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1.  Neither are particularly hard for me, and I think I do both, though sometimes the things people call healthy meals are just made to kill some people.

2. Being able to accept that you lost without making excuses, accusing your opponent, or making a nuisance of yourself, and I think I am in general, though not all the time.

Table Topics Family 60 #119-120


1. What are the benefits of saving and spending?

2. Which musical instrument would be the coolest to play?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. I’m not an economic advice column, but you never get anything by saving forever, and you never move up if you don’t save at all.

2. All of them at once.

Table Topics Family 57 #113-114


1. What’s the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?

2. How did your family decide to settle down in your hometown?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. I was dragged underwater in the ocean by an undercurrent, and disoriented to the point of I didn’t know where was up. That was pretty scary.

2. Something having to do with it being dry, nice, small, and surrounded by good rockhunting territories.