3,000 Posts

This is the 3,001st post on this site, which is something that I’m very happy about. It’s great to be able to look back and say you’ve done 3,000 of something (like having 2,000 comics). Tried to do some post finagling to make this the 3,000th post, but that didn’t work out. So this post will replace my article for the week and there will be no mid-week review.

I’m very glad to have reached such a large amount of content on this site, and I hope everyone who has been reading, watching, or listening has enjoyed it. I’ve been having a little trouble getting videos and written things out as evidenced by the past weeks. But my new schedule is settling in and allowing me to get more done.

I hope that the previous 3,000 posts have been enjoyable, and that the next 3,000 will be just as much so.



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