Table Topics Chit Chat 15 #29-30


1. Would you rather live in Los Angeles or New York City?

2. What’s your favorite junk food?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. That’s a tough one, likely New York because it would be easier to get places on foot I think.

2. Ruffles with ranch dip.

Speak Your Mind 132 #656-660


1. Have you ever ridden in a bus to another city by yourself?

2. Do you think people are lucky to get overtime work?

3. How many pairs of blue jeans do you have?

4. Would you rather have the stripes in a shirt go across or up and down?

5. Which do you like best: large pretzels or small ones?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. No, I never have.

2. Depends on whether they want money or free time.

3. I would say seven or eight.

4. Up and down, I don’t know why.

5. Small pretzels, I can eat them easier.


Speak Your Mind 98 #486-490


1. Why do you think dogs have such sharp teeth?

2. Do you think water from a well tastes different from city water?

3. Have you ever ridden in a helicopter?

4. Do you think you look nice today?

5. What kind of shampoo do you use?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. To kill things they hunt.

2. Yes, but which is better depends on the well and the city.

3. No, I have no real interest in it either.

4. I don’t think I look nice any day, so no.

5. Head and shoulders.


Speak Your Mind 96 #476-480


1. Do you think it would bother your stomach to sit in the back seat of a station wagon facing backwards?

2. Have you ever had a broken nose?

3. What color tennis shoes do you like the best?

4. Would you like to move to a different city?

5. Do you make any animal sounds well?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. No, I don’t seem to get motion sickness and the like.

2. No I have not.

3. White, though I don’t wear tennis shoes.

4. No, but I think I may have to.

5. Yes, human sounds.