Table Topics Chit Chat 61 #121-122


  1. If you could name the street that you live on what would you call it?
  2. What’s your favorite summer memory?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

  1. Turn back: Alligators!
  2. The 6 or so where I bowled and played pool with friends (not like an actual pool with water I hate those). Issss all I got there. I didn’t do much over the summers.


Table Topics Chit Chat 60 #119-120


  1. What’s your most prized possession?
  2. What gift would you love for your birthday?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

  1. Wouldn’t you like to know? (So would I) (Maybe my handmade multi-colored Guatemalan squirrel that my brother’s girlfriend got for him and eventually wound up with me. That guy has been on a crazy amount of adventures and now has tons of accessories)
  2. I’ve got the better part of a year to think about that now (how about a lottery ticket so I don’t have to ask for a million dollars directly?)


Table Topics Chit Chat 59 #117-118


  1. What have you learned this week?
  2. If you could only eat one kind of ethnic food for the next year what would you pick?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

  1. I’m sure a lot (I’m writing this far before posting). When I write this I just read up on a bunch of bands I hadn’t known anything about, so I guess that.
  2. Chinese I think, most others are too hot for me, Mexican and Japanese are close seconds.

Table Topics Chit Chat 58 #115-116


  1. If you could only read one magazine, which would you subscribe to?
  2. What’s your ultimate vacation?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

  1. The only magazine I was subscribed to was Wargames Illustrated.
  2. I have none because I don’t like vacations really.


Table Topics Chit Chat 57 #113-114


  1. If you could spend a Saturday morning watching any cartoon what would it be?
  2. When you travel do you most enjoy dining, sightseeing, or people watching?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

  1. Animaniacs without a doubt.
  2. I don’t really enjoy anything about traveling, so I’ll say people watching because I think I like that one best.