Speak Your Mind 86 #426-430


1. Do you move your lips when you read to yourself?

2. Where did you think you would like to live during the first year you are out of high school?

3. Have you ever seen a brand new baby bunny?

4. What are you most likely to argue with your parents about?

5. What kind of toothpaste do you use?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Sometimes I do, but most of the time I don’t.

2. Well, I graduated two years early and lived with my parents the first year.

3. No I have not.

4. My chores, and vacations (I don’t want to go)

5. I don’t use toothpaste.

Speak Your Mind 17 #81-85


1. Do you like it when your parents come to school to watch things you are in?

2. Have you ever been chased by a goose?

3. Do you like lemonade?

4. Is (Did) your school basketball teem winning (win) a lot of games this year?

5. How many windows are there in your house?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. My school didn’t hold the things I was in, so I’m not sure, it depends on the thing.

2. No, but I have chased them.

3. Yes, I really like lemonade.

4. I have no idea, I don’t pay attention to basketball.

5. About 44 windows. (I may have miscounted)

Speak Your MInd 12 #56-60


1. How old will you be when you graduate from high school?

2. Would you like to live in a mansion?

3. How do you feel about lying to your parents?

4. Are you in love?

5. What is your favorite soap opera?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. I am supposed to be 17 when I graduate, but if all goes to plan I will be 16 and it will be in a few weeks.

2. Only if I had a lot of people to fill it.

3. Depends, is telling a story lying, I find it quite alright to simply not tell the whole truth. But I would never lie about something that could hurt anyone.

4. Yes, madly.

5. I do not watch soap operas.