Speak Your Mind 149 #741-745


1. How do you feel when one student in a class is naughty and the whole class is punished?

2. Is there a window shade in your bedroom?

3. Are you as tall as your father?

4. Has your family moved since you were born?

5. What is the most fun thin you have ever done in Math class?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. I feel like that person should be punished more directly by the people he got punished.

2. No, but there are block out curtains.

3. Yes, I am taller.

4. Technically yes, but I was a month old.

5. Nothing I can think of.

Speak Your Mind 147 #731-735


1. Have you ever ridden a horse?

2. Do (did) you think driver’s ed class is (was, will be) fun?

3. What time did you go to bed last night?

4. Have you ever used a left handed pair of scissors?

5. Do people often have a problem spelling your first name?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Yes I have ridden a few horses.

2. I will never take it so I don’t care.

3. Last night is not representative but it was about 3:15 AM.

4. Not that I can recall.

5. Not really, it’s an easy name.


Speak Your Mind 145 #721-725


1. What is the most fun thing you have ever done in science class?

2. What would you like to get for Christmas?

3. Have you ever seen unhatched eggs in a birds nest?

4. Do you think it is important to teach a son how to clean?

5.Do you have an alarm clock by your bed?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Something involving explosions I’m sure.

2. I don’t celebrate it, so anything.

3. No, I don’t think so, maybe a chicken’s eggs.

4. Everyone should know how to clean.

5. I have several.

Blog 11-25-13 – ArtWalk Thank You

Today is Monday, November 25th. And that means that it is the Monday after ArtWalk in Alpine TX. I was there with my books this year and had a wonderful time. It was cold and snowy (rainy, sleety, haily, all the weathery) but I met some great people and had some wonderful conversations.

I just wanted to thank everyone who came out, and those who took the time to talk with me and buy one or a few of my books. It’s great to actually see how people react to my work in person.  You simply don’t get that in an online environment. I hope everyone enjoyed (enjoys) reading them, and had a great time at the rest of ArtWalk. I intend to be back next year, and I’ll even be at a few other local shows here and there.

Best wishes to all over the holiday season. Good luck!

On Drawing Every Day

I’ve been drawing every day for a while now. And I’ve got to say that it’s still pretty fun. I haven’t been going nearly as long as some people, though. I just find it exciting to come up with something different to draw every day. Something to freshen my mind. Every day I get to draw something new and exciting. And if I can’t think of anything, I can always do better at something I tried before, or look at it from a different angle.

My Notebooks almost used up.
My Notebooks almost used up.

Some people would say that it improves your drawing skill to draw all the time. It does to a point, but it depends on how you work it. I, being a cartoonist, prefer simple lines and shapes, so my drawing skill in the detail department hasn’t improved much. But in the time department I’m very much ahead. It takes me less than half an hour to do any given page a day, which is a major improvement over the hour it took before. And even a half hour is still the max: usually it takes ten to twenty minutes.

I started just to keep drawing things. I do cartoons every day and sometimes that gets boring, and sometimes I can forget how to draw some things. This helps with both. Though some days I don’t want to do it, like I don’t want to do everything else, but doing it feels so nice after the fact. Looking back over my sketchbook and being able to see a drawing for every single day is great. Seeing how I’ve progressed, or how much detail I put into one drawing, or the lack of detail that is left for the viewer to fill in, creating a personal emotional attachment.

Though it hasn’t helped me very much in the realm of my drawing skill, it has been a very rewarding experience, and I’m going to continue doing it. It is my hope to at some point amass a library of sketchbooks that I can thumb through. I hope that I do continue and I hope that you reading this will consider doing something similar. Whether it is to improve your drawing skill, just for the  love of drawing, or to get the satisfaction of doing something similar. I will continue to do so and I would love to see other people do so.