Speak Your Mind 190 #946-950


1. Have you ever had a bloody nose?

2. Would you like to work in a factory?

3. Have you ever gone to a funeral?

4. What would be the worst thing about not being able to live in America?

5. How does it feel when you do something and the whole class gets in trouble for it?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Yes, I had one earlier this evening in fact.

2. Depends on the factory, and they probably wouldn’t let me due to my tendency to destroy things during repetitive tasks.

3. Yes, but I don’t remember it.

4. The poverty, or the spying, or the socialism… everything.

5. I have never done such a thing.


Speak Your Mind 189 #941-945


1. Do you think the set up in your state for getting driver’s licenses is good?

2. Are you a lucky person?

3. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

4. Do you think teachers should talk to parents with the students present?

5. Do you think window shades are needed in houses?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. I have no idea, I don’t have and don’t want a license.

2. No, but I’m not unlucky.

3. I own one pair of shoes.

4. That depends on what they’re talking about.

5. Yes, I’m not even sure windows are necessary.

Speak Your Mind 188 #936-940


1. What do you think you will be doing on your 21st birthday?

2. What do you usually dream about?

3. Do you have any close neighbors that you do not see very often?

4. How far is it from here to the next city or town?

5. Do you like to play basketball?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. I don’t like birthdays so nothing special.

2. I don’t usually dream.

3. I don’t see any of my neighbors very often.

4. It’s about 20 to 30 minutes to get to the next town over.

5. Yes, but not very competitively.

Speak Your Mind 187 #931-935


1. Do you like Mexican food?

2. What is your favorite thing to eat at McDonalds?

3. How often do you see your first cousins?

4. When you are talking while standing, do you tend to move around a lot?

5 What is one kind of food that you would rather not have to eat?


1. Yes, I quite like it.

2. A cheeseburger, but I don’t eat there very often.

3. Not very often at all.

4. Yes, I move far too much.

5. Anything spicy ever.

Speak Your Mind 186 #926-930


1. Do you like girls scout cookies?

2. How long does it take you to fix your hair each morning?

3. Can you name three of you neighbors?

4. Have you ever felt nervous about something and not been able to eat?

5. In what way do you think cats are like people?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. Yes, I love girl scout cookies.

2. About 30 seconds.

3. Yes, but I won’t because this is the Internet.

4. No, being nervous makes me more hungry.

5. Cats and people just act with the same attitude.