Speak Your Mind 23 #111-115

1. How do you think life would be different if you lived in the north pole?

2. Do you think it is safe to ride in the back of a truck?

3. Didi you watch Sesame Street when you were little?

4. Do you have one or two pillows on your bed?

5. Have you ever had a broken bone?

ANSWERS By: Austin Smith

1. It would be quite a lot colder, and involve more starving I think.

2. Depends where you are and who is driving, but as a general rule, no. Unless it’s some type of transport truck like a semi or a military truck then yes.

3. Very little unfortunately. But I had the discovery channel and toy soldiers.

4. I have one pillow, I have two to. So I have two.

5. No, I have not once broken a bone in my body.

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